PV Mounting System

There are many types of solar mounts, but the three primary options for commercial solar arrays include rooftop, ground mount, and parking canopy locations. 

Rooftop Solar Mounting Structure

This is a common type of solar PV mounting structure. Many homeowners prefer roof-mounted systems due to their cost savings compared to ground-mounted ones. These systems utilize the existing rooftop structure, reducing installation expenses and efficiency depends on the roof type.


Ground Mounted Solar Systems

Ground-mounted solar systems are installations where solar panels are placed on structures or supports on the ground rather than on a rooftop. These systems are often used when there’s ample available space and can be a more flexible option for solar power generation.




A solar canopy is a structure equipped with solar panels on its surface, typically designed to provide shade or shelter while simultaneously generating solar power. These canopies are commonly installed in parking lots, outdoor seating areas, or other open spaces to harness solar energy while offering protection from the elements.